Our volunteers help make the FoCo Cafe run smoothly. We only have five paid employees! We would not exist without these donations of time, in addition to donations of materials, services, and financial support. You help us to make fresh food, a fresh environment, and a fresh approach to ending hunger available in Fort Collins!

The cafe opens its door wide to all who want to join the community. And if you’re down on your monetary luck, please join us for lunch, but be ready to wash a dish or two, or mop the floor, bus dishes, or weed our gardens. Believing in a dignified exchange as a way of life, you just exchange an hour’s work for your meal. Just tell the Operations Manager you’d like to pay for your meal with your time and talent.

Ready to Volunteer?
If you’re looking to contribute to the cafe’s mission beyond exchanging work for food, volunteers may sign up to work in the kitchen and in the dining area—prepping food, cooking, counter service, bussing dishes, cleaning tables, doing maintenance work, etc. Space is limited, so it’s best to schedule your volunteer shift ahead of time. For groups (limit 4 per shift) a pre-arranged time is required. Volunteers must be 16 years of age or older. If you are younger than 16, an adult may sign up to volunteer and you may shadow their work.
For new and returning users: To sign up, click the link below, enter your information, then search for a shift or scroll down to find your desired date manually.
Volunteer incentives:
- ONE free meal is included for each volunteer shift
- ONE free FoCo Cafe T-shirt after completing six volunteer shifts
Volunteer Forms
All forms will be available at the cafe, but please review the documents below prior to arriving for your shift.

Volunteer Assignment Description
Job description for the Morning Prep/Serving Shift, Afternoon Serving Shift, and All-Day Shift:
Each Monday through Friday, the FoCo Café serves the community healthy meals. Depending on the number of volunteers, skill levels, and the time of day you volunteer, you may be asked to do any of the following tasks based on our greatest need:
- Help prepare required ingredients for our daily menu.
- Prepare the café to open by completing daily opening tasks.
- Welcome guests and explain the FoCo Café concept.
- Serve food on the serving line.
- Serve guests in the dining room by getting seconds, refilling drinks, and answering questions.
- Bus tables, quietly stacking dinnerware by type in bus bins and in the dishwashing area.
- Wash and restock dinnerware and cookware.
- Clean up and put things away after we close for the day.
- Other tasks such as organization or administrative tasks.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why volunteer?
Because you care about the FoCo Café and its mission! Volunteers are vital to the ongoing operations of the Café. There are countless ways to volunteer: working a shift as a greeter or wait staff, prepping vegetables in the kitchen, staffing our booth at special events, playing music for the lunch crowd, help clean and sort donations, or putting your grant writing skills to work are just some of the opportunities to help out! Please let us if you have additional volunteering ideas!
How do I get started as a volunteer?
Simply click the sign-up link above to pick a day that works best for you. Before coming in for your first shift, please read through our Volunteer Dress Code, Volunteer Health Policy, and Volunteer Guidelines.
When can I work?
Before the Café is open for lunch Monday- Saturday 11-2, we have morning prep shifts in addition to our lunchtime serving/closing shift. However, if you can only make some or part of your shift please let the Operations Manager know ahead of time.
What if I’d like to volunteer at the FoCo Café, but am not interested in actually working in the restaurant?
FoCo Café always needs volunteers to staff our table at special events, farmer’s markets, and community events. There are opportunities to help with the winter event auction, the “Kids Feeding Kids” breakfast program during the summer, and the always urgent need for grant writers.
Do you always need volunteers?
The Cafe has room in the schedule for volunteers on a daily basis. However, space is limited, so it’s a good idea to sign up online to reserve your spot so you can plan on working. When you sign up ahead of time, the Café can plan around volunteer assistance, which helps things flow smoothly.
Can I sign up with a group of friends?
Due to limited space, it is difficult to accommodate groups. Group volunteer shifts must be pre-scheduled, as it is unlikely we will be able to accommodate a group of volunteers on the spot.
Can kids volunteer?
Independent volunteers must be 16 or older. Those under the age of 16 are welcome to shadow an adult volunteer. The adult signs up for their shift together online.
Are there any health rules & regulations I should know about?
Yes! We are a commercial kitchen, meaning anyone who works as a volunteer needs to maintain awareness of health and safety code regulations. Please read through our Volunteer Dress Code, Volunteer Health Policy, and Volunteer Guidelines before coming in for your first shift.
What is the work like?
Visit our volunteer page to view a full description of shift duties. If working in a busy environment is not appealing to you, please communicate with us and we will find or create alternative opportunities for you to serve in a way that suits you best. We are all about giving people a hand-in to the community through innovation, creativity, and communication.
I have other skills that may help the Cafe!
If you think your skills may serve the cafe in a way we haven’t mentioned, get in touch with us regarding your suggestions. We welcome your skills and talents into the FoCo Cafe Community.
Stay in touch…
Communication is key! Come in for lunch and ask one of our volunteers any other questions you may have. Or send us an email by visiting our contact page.